DateTime null value

NULL value for DateTime

For normal DateTimes, if you don’t initialize them at all then they will match DateTime.MinValue, because it is a value type rather than a reference type.

You can also use a nullable DateTime, like this:

DateTime? MyNullableDate;

Or longer version:

Nullable MyNullableDate;

And, finally, there’s a built in way to reference the default of any type. This returns null for reference types, but for our DateTime example it will return the same as DateTime.MinValue:


or, in more recent versions of C#,


And you can check the value with:

if (dt.HasValue)
  // Do something with dt.Value

Or you can use it like:

DateTime dt2 = dt ?? DateTime.MinValue;

You can read more here:

文章作者: Xavier
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Xavier !
DateTime null value DateTime null value
NULL value for DateTimeFor normal DateTimes, if you don’t initialize them at all then they will match DateTime.MinValue,
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